Nov 1

  1. Use [Form link coming soon] or send an email to with the subject line “Microscopy Hackathon Project Submission”.
  2. Ensure your data is open and remains open under an appropriate license.

Dec 16 - Dec 17

Day 1: Dec 16

Time Activity
09:00 Welcome
09:05 Speaker: Sergei V. Kalinin (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) | ML across Microscopy Workflow
09:45 Speaker: Rama K. Vasudevan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) | Ecosystems for Microscopy
10:30 Speaker: TBD
11:15 Speaker: TBD

Day 2: Dec 17

Time Activity
09:00 Welcome
09:10 Breakout (Breakout Rooms A-G)
12:00 Project showcase and judging (Poster Rooms A-B)
12:55 Closing remarks and takeaways
13:00 End


Preparation of scholarly article